Wow, that's a very good article you linked to, and I don't have anything quite like that.
My own articles are more generally philosophical, and trying to establish a broadly intuitive belief system that would preclude the myths of both the toxic wokeism of the left and the religious or nutty faiths of the right.
The closest I probably come to what you might be looking for is this article criticizing the ubiquitous "in this house we believe" signs, in favor of a more broadly logical belief system:
Most of my more on-the-nose criticisms of wokeisms are limited to comment threads. Some examples below.
On the stupidity of calling out cultural appropriation:
On the improper romanticization of "black" traits (or those of any ethnicity more broadly):
On the stupidity of demonizing state borders:
On logic, tribalism, and wokeism:
On dismissing logic as "Eurocentric" or "colonial":
On the hypocrisy of most critiques of Christian political goals:
On double standards in favor of "oppressed" populations: