"Evangelical Christians want to impose their faith, not merely practice it".
What we need to realize is that true religious liberty is not actually possible, because, at some level, "practicing" and "imposing" always amount to the same thing.
Even people who claim they want religious liberty have a certain minimalist religion that they want to impose on everyone, namely, the idea that people are free to believe what they want, as long as they practice their religion in ways that don't affect other people.
What they want is freedom of religious belief, not freedom of religious practice.
To be clear, I am of the same opinion. But I think we'll have a hard time moving the conversation forward until we acknowledge what we actually want. We want to impose a minimalist religion that values freedom of thought, but sets boundaries on actions.
I've explored similar ideas in much more depth in this article: https://medium.com/@nebulasaurus/will-humans-ever-settle-on-one-religion-4e50c81b1d96