The problem is, I think when two different people each "Think it through" separately, they often arrive at two very different conclusions. People can have pretty divergent brains.
And so I think it's a really common fallacy to take something someone said, apply our own logic and perspective, take it to our own logical conclusion, and then present that conclusion as the one that the other person had in mind the whole time. But when we do that, it actually says a lot more about ourselves than the person we are talking to. And so it's ultimately just a projection and a straw man.
I'll admit that my comment was kind of sloppy, and probably didn't portray my message very clearly. But I wasn't actually trying to talk about patriarchy at all. I was just trying to critique how we have conversations. I think we often times mischaracterize each other's arguments, and it makes it difficult to have fruitful conversations.
What do you think?