Mar 16, 2022


Stop generalizing about people.

That's where we have to start.

And we have to be strict about it.

Stop generalizing about black men.

Stop generalizing about black women.

Stop generalizing about white men.

Stop generalizing about white women.

Stop implying things about black individuals based on black culture or trends.

Stop implying things about white individuals based on white culture or trends.

Stop generalizing about everyone.

Generalizing about people will always be inaccurate, and will always make every conversation worse.

Everybody just does the best they can with what they have. And sometimes there best is great, sometimes it's mediocre, and sometimes it's horrific.

There may be trends between groups, but all inputs and outputs ultimately happen to individuals, not to groups.




Written by Nebulasaurus

I think most people argue for what they want to believe, rather than for what best describes reality. And I think that is very detrimental to us getting along.

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