Right. You and I have touched on this before, and I don't think you agree with me, but this is why I don't think free will is a very useful concept. That's not to say I definitively don't think it exists - just that I don't think it's a useful assumption.
We don't control our upbringing, we don't control what parents we have, we don't control our skin color, we don't control our communities, we don't control the brains and bodies we are born with. We don't control what opportunities and experiences we have that might make us more likely to react with hope or despair.
We all just do the best we know with what we have. We are all just trying to be happy, and then the world sorts itself out from there.
Of course that includes Jaron, too. He's just doing the best he can figure. And that includes you. You're obviously just trying to write a useful article, but then you have a couple people in the comments judging you as being patronizing and condescending. I think they are wrong for thinking that, but they are also just doing the best they know too.
That's not to say that we can't or shouldn't point out where we think other people are wrong. Because that's really all we can do, is hope that when we say things, that we might change each other's minds, and that that might make things better for everyone down the road.