Of course this begs the question of how we get fewer fools.
I think the obvious answer that many will reach for is "better education" - but what exactly would a better education teach?
To me, it seems like less of an education problem, and more of a cultural problem, in which we are often taught not to value logic. For example, if you look at Medium's distribution guidelines, you will see no guidelines about avoiding logical fallacies: https://help.medium.com/hc/en-us/articles/360006362473-Medium-s-Curation-Guidelines-everything-writers-need-to-know
Much of our collective foolishness, I think, boils down to not understanding, not respecting, and in some cases, actually fearing logical consistency.
If more people could, for example, pass an LSAT, and more people were taught the value of passing an LSAT, I think our public discourse would be much less foolish.