Jan 22, 2025

No. "Furthermore" and "Consequently" can improve flow and comprehension greatly, and are very useful when used correctly.

If you think about it, entire languages have redundancy like this built into them, like how in English, the word" "am", as in, "I am", redundantly denotes that it is the subject who is talking. We could just as easily say "I are", and it should be discernable. But that's not how the language evolved, because some built in redundancy is often useful.

Same goes in Spanish where we say, for example, "las casas son grandes". Do we really need the 's' at the end of "las", "casas", and "grandes", when we already denote the plurality via the verb "son"? No, but it helps with understanding.


Written by Nebulasaurus

I think most people argue for what they want to believe, rather than for what best describes reality. And I think that is very detrimental to us getting along.

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