It doesn't look to me like anyone is making that assumption here. I think that is actually just a logical fallacy that you are projecting on onto them. It's the same logical fallacy they would be making if they assumed that, since you are a woman, you must be shorter than your male colleagues. On average, women are shorter than men, but it's a false assumption that any particular woman is shorter than any particular man, unless you measure both of them first.
At Google, or any other company, the assumption should be that everyone's competence has already been measured by the hiring process. And each person's competence is further measured by their performance by their individual performance at work. Anything else should be a false assumption.
A competence-based filtering process might theoretically select more men than women, or women than men, in a particular industry, But as long as the people's sex/gender is not actually part of the filtering process, it seems like it should be considered fair.
Do you agree with that? Or do you think any of that is illogical, or doesn't make sense?