Jul 12, 2024


Irrationality only facilitates cooperation within small, familial groups or monocultures.

But irrationality absolutely THWARTS cooperation on a global scale.

This is why scientists and engineers (whose work requires rationality) are able to collaborate and build off of each other's work on a global scale, despite language and cultural barriers - whereas next door neighbors can't even cooperate on matters of religion or morality.

So no, we actually need to insist that people be rational when they are interacting in public. Most of our modern problems actually stem from giving people too much leeway with their irrationality. This is the root of tribalism.

Obviously, we don't want to restrict people's right to free speech. But there needs to be a certain "shame" factor when people are stubbornly irrational. And we need to show less interest in platforming irrational claims, and more rigor in pointing out and correcting logical fallacies.




Written by Nebulasaurus

I think most people argue for what they want to believe, rather than for what best describes reality. And I think that is very detrimental to us getting along.

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