I'd add to this list that we should abolish the "freedom of religion" established in the First Amendment, and replace it with the more generic, but also more precise and logical "Freedom to do and think as you please, insofar as it doesn't infringe on other peoples' right to pursue happiness".
The founders were mostly all Protestants and Deists, and as such, the differences in their religions were small enough that it seemed like their differences in religious practice could be safely be kept out of public life.
But the fact is, a religion is actually the set of core assumptions that a person uses to formulate all of their other beliefs. And so in fact no human thought or endeavor ever takes place outside the context of religion. And so rather than trying to guarantee freedom of all religion, what we really need to do is have a separate standard way to decide whether a particular religious practice is legal - namely, whether it impinges on other people's pursuit of happiness.
I actually published an article about this yesterday: Freedom of religion was a bad idea all along: https://medium.com/@nebulasaurus/freedom-of-religion-was-a-bad-idea-all-along-f236181db33c