1 min readDec 19, 2022


I read the Collins Family Theology Google Doc just now.

What we all need to realize is that their philosophy is actually much more robust, logical, and thoughtful than most people's (including those of most of the the other commenters), and is much more fit for the future than, say, Christianity or Islam (although maybe not more so than Buddhism).

But where they fundamentally go wrong is in devaluing conscious experience in favor of 'sapience'. Because, fundamentally, the only reason the universe has any meaning at all is because of sentient life’s ability to experience happy or sad emotions.

And the other place the go wrong is with the idea of future police. Believing in a god from the future drags along all the same baggage as all the traditional problems of a traditional creator god, and solves none of the questions it purports to solve (e.g. the apparent unlikelihood of how the world came to be as it is).

I think a better start for a future-proof religion is offered in my article here:




Written by Nebulasaurus

I think most people argue for what they want to believe, rather than for what best describes reality. And I think that is very detrimental to us getting along.

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