I touch on this in my article, under the heading “What about empathy?”: https://medium.com/the-panopticon-publication/morality-is-personal-and-tribal-always-20c8c31f5d29#ed76
I agree that the theory of mind and empathy can help us intuit each other's emotions and figure out how to work together.
But it is not the same as actually sharing emotions. Our ability to empathize depends on us drawing from our own experiences, and is ultimately just a guess at what other people are feeling. And if other people (or non-human sentient beings) are different enough from us, our presumptions of what they feel may be totally off base. Some people my actually not even be capable of feeling the same emotions as other people, and will thus not be able to empathize accurately.
Rather than representing a true sharing of perceptions or a breaking-down of siloes, empathy is really a practice of making projections and assumptions about other people. Helpful assumptions to be sure — but assumptions nonetheless.