Except it's been proven time and again that if you try to stamp out an idea by deplatforming it in one place, it'll just pop-up on a different platform. Fox News, Newsmax, and 4chan are all examples of this.
The idea that you can make a bad idea go away simply by deplatforming and ignoring it is completely absurd. On the contrary, conservative ideas have been gaining more traction and getting more extreme precisely because they are deplatformed.
So the question is, would you rather have some control over the conversation on your own platforms, so that you have opportunities to debunk bad ideas thoroughly, and in public? Or would you rather let it fester elsewhere, into something worse, where you have no control.
It should be an obvious choice.
This has nothing to do with playing "devil's advocate", or giving "both sides equal time". It's just about defeating ideas on their merits. If an idea is popular, then it must be given air time, until it dies. And if it's a bad idea, it will die eventually. It might be a slow death, but it's the only hope we have for actually killing a bad idea. All attmepts to deplatform it will simply allow it to fester and regrow elsewhere, where it doesn't have people to argue against it.